
Real Estate

A position strengthened in the building, real estate and security markets CKG International is working for hard industries, the construction of buildings, housing facilities, development of urban lands, road maintenance and electrification. The group is working on the creation of infrastructure and major projects, key assets for the development of our continent. A commercial and real estate city will open soon in Accra. Group companies are working both to meet the needs of poorest people and those of wealthy customers. SOGESI is an expert in property management and OMEIFRA AFRICA provides benefits for security and private companies. CKG International is also present on the market "financial security" for collection services. CKG Properties, for an efficient management of real estate services CKG Construction, essential for the development of infrastructure CKG Security, the security for all

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Agro Business

A Major Actor in the Agribusiness Our businesses have an historical place in the food industry and agribusiness, especially through the famous brands Chocodi group and Hydrochem. CKG International is strengthening its presence in the Middle East, through the creation of a large factory for the manufacture of chocolate products in the Sultanate of OMAN (an agreement of $ 150 million was signed between CKG International and Free Zone Salalah). The group has significant experience in the production of fertilizers and phytosanitary products and therefore contribute to the development of agriculture. CKG International is currently building a plant fertilizer urea production in Ghana. Chocodi and Chocoman, a chocolate rich in aroma with intense flavor CKG Commodities, fair trade of commodities Hydrochem Africa, the chemistry at the service of agriculture

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